Fred O’Malley (1930—2010) was waiting for the ‘GRW Express’ or “Cornishman”.
Train came 24/02/2007 at 07.50 or 7.50a.m.
Ticket was expensive £12 300.99. But in the menu was whiskey 40°.
The restaurant was open 08.00–20.00.
Quotation marks
- British English uses ‘ ’ quotation marks
- Also, possible to use double quotation marks “ ”
- The " is a used for inches or seconds. Also in computer code.
Quotation surrounded by quotation marks. Commas and periods that are part of the overall sentence go inside the quotation marks, even though they aren’t part of the original quotation.
‘Economic systems’, according to Professor White, ‘are an inevitable byproduct of civilization, and are, as John Doe said, “with us whether we want them or not”’.
But, unless dots and commas are part of the original quotation, all marks other than commas or periods are placed outside the quotation marks. Wasn’t it Dickens who wrote, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’?
In direct speech. The flight attendant asked, ‘May I see your boarding pass?’
Nicknames. Gabe ‘Gaben’ Newell
‘Economic systems’, according to Professor White, ‘are an inevitable byproduct of civilization, and are, as John Doe said, “with us whether we want them or not”’.
But, unless dots and commas are part of the original quotation, all marks other than commas or periods are placed outside the quotation marks. Wasn’t it Dickens who wrote, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’?
In direct speech. The flight attendant asked, ‘May I see your boarding pass?’
Nicknames. Gabe ‘Gaben’ Newell
- Apostrophe in British English is used for contractions, plurals, and possessives.
- In foreign words or surnames.
let’s, it’s
Be sure to cross your t’s and dot your i’s.
Xerox’s sales manager, manage’s stapler. a week’s holiday
Be sure to cross your t’s and dot your i’s.
Xerox’s sales manager, manage’s stapler. a week’s holiday
The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.
Excessive lawyers’ fees, the Smiths’ holiday house.
McDonald’s, D’Artagnan.
McDonald’s, D’Artagnan.
Section sign
§ 56 – with a space between symbol and number.
Article 148 § 1
Article 148 § 1
18,000 – Comma is a thousand separator.
6.67 – Dot is used as a decimal separator.
6.67 – Dot is used as a decimal separator.
Phone Numbers
+44 1332 412251 — code and two groups separated by spaces.
Monetary amounts
£50, £50,00
£0.15 or 15 pence
£0.15 or 15 pence
- Abbreviations should not have full stops and are always singular.
- Use a space between the number and the abbreviation, except with one-letter abbreviations.
- Use the percentage symbol with no space between it and the number.
30% increase in sales.
10 miles, 10L, 1 kg
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
32 °F, 453 K (no degree).
4 ft 8½ in or possible 4′ 8½″
We bought 12° beer.
The angle is 35°.
5′ 10″ – five feet and ten inches. Also, possbile to use quotations 5’ 10”.
10 miles, 10L, 1 kg
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
32 °F, 453 K (no degree).
4 ft 8½ in or possible 4′ 8½″
We bought 12° beer.
The angle is 35°.
5′ 10″ – five feet and ten inches. Also, possbile to use quotations 5’ 10”.
Dates and time
- Britain usually uses dd/mm/yyyy format.
- Slash is used as a separator.
- For birth and death range used M dash with spaces around.
But August 18, 2021 (in text),
Gogol (1819–1898). En dash is used.
But August 18, 2021 (in text),
Gogol (1819–1898). En dash is used.
- British uses a period between the hours and minutes.
- In sports seconds separated by comma.
18.20 or 6.20pm
George finished first with time 10:59,23.
George finished first with time 10:59,23.
- Mdahs separated with spaces.
- Em dashes in can be placed as a comma, parentheses or a colon.
- Punctuation is placed before the dash separated by a space.
And yet, when the car was finally delivered—nearly three months after it was ordered—she decided she no longer wanted it.
Upon discovering the errors—all 124 of them—the publisher immediately recalled the books. After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict—guilty.
Upon discovering the errors—all 124 of them—the publisher immediately recalled the books. After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict—guilty.
- En-dash is used for span or range of numbers
- Scores
- Conflict or connection
Restaurant open 10.00—20.00
Restaurant from 10.00 to 20.00
Flight Perth—Dubai.
Flight from Perth to Dubai.
Post—Obama era.
16- to 24-year-old men
Restaurant from 10.00 to 20.00
Flight Perth—Dubai.
Flight from Perth to Dubai.
Post—Obama era.
16- to 24-year-old men
- A hyphen (or other graphic symbol) can be used as a bullet in the list.
- Separated by the first word with a space.
- water
- tea
- soda
- cola
- tea
- soda
- cola
- Used without spaces.
- In British English if the expression is divided in the place of the hyphen, the sign is repeated on the next line.
check-in, free-for-all
In professionally prin-
ted material.
In professionally prin-
ted material.
- Usually used without spaces.
- In meaning per, and, or, and/or,
- Abbreviation
- Connection
- Two-year span
Top speed 90 km/h
An $800/week salary
He is enrolling in the JD/MBA program at Harvard.
Each guest must present his/her ticket prior to entry.
P/E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio)
The Paris/London train leaves in an hour.
Everyone is still talking about the 1995/96 winter windstorm. This audit covers only the 2005/6 fiscal year.
An $800/week salary
He is enrolling in the JD/MBA program at Harvard.
Each guest must present his/her ticket prior to entry.
P/E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio)
The Paris/London train leaves in an hour.
Everyone is still talking about the 1995/96 winter windstorm. This audit covers only the 2005/6 fiscal year.
Trademarks and Copyright
- Copyright © placed with a space before the name of the owner.
- Registered ® placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
- TradeMark™ placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
© Company name, 2021
British format is commonly followed also in Australia and New Zealand.
Rules based on House style, The Essential Condensed Guide to English Punctuation.
Ford O’Malley (1930—2010) was waiting for the “Aurora Winter Train” or ‘Alaska Express’.
Train came 02/24/2007 at 07:50 or 7:50 AM.
Ticket was expensive $12,300.99. But in the menu was whiskey 40°.
The restaurant was open from 8 AM to 8 PM. Train Fairbanks–Anchorage was leaving soon.
Фёдор (1930 — 2010) ждал поезд № 245 «Серебряная стрела» или „Стрелка“.
Он пришел 24.02.2007 в 10:50. Билет был дорогой 12 300,99 ₽. Но в меню была 40° водка.
Ресторан был открыт 10:00–20:00. Пока Фёдор думал, поезд Москва — Владивосток ушел.
Quotation marks
- Russian language uses « » quotation marks
- Also, possible to use double quotation marks „ “
- The " is a used for inches or seconds. Also in computer code.
Direct speech surrounded by quotation marks.
«В Казань не доедет», — отвечал другой. (Гоголь)
Names of literature works, newspapers, magazines, companies, vehicles and e.g.
«Война и мир», «Мёртвые души», автомобиль «Тойота»
Quotation marks inside another quotation marks
«„Цыганы“ мои не продаются вовсе», — сетовал Пушкин.
The dot stays outside quotation marks then the whole sentence is surrounded by them. If sentence ends with ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, the dot after quotation marks not needed.
Печорин признавался: «Я иногда себя презираю…»
«В Казань не доедет», — отвечал другой. (Гоголь)
Names of literature works, newspapers, magazines, companies, vehicles and e.g.
«Война и мир», «Мёртвые души», автомобиль «Тойота»
Quotation marks inside another quotation marks
«„Цыганы“ мои не продаются вовсе», — сетовал Пушкин.
The dot stays outside quotation marks then the whole sentence is surrounded by them. If sentence ends with ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, the dot after quotation marks not needed.
Печорин признавался: «Я иногда себя презираю…»
- Apostrophe in Russian is used in foreign words or surnames only.
О’Генри, д’Артаньян
Can’t, O’Reilly.
Not acceptable to put apostrophe in Latin words with an attempt to conjugate them. Better not conjugate at all or write in Cyrillic.
No good tone: в Instagram'е; much better: в Instagram, в Инстаграме.
Can’t, O’Reilly.
Not acceptable to put apostrophe in Latin words with an attempt to conjugate them. Better not conjugate at all or write in Cyrillic.
No good tone: в Instagram'е; much better: в Instagram, в Инстаграме.
§ 56 – with a space between symbol and number.
§ 62. Экранная типографика
§ 62. Экранная типографика
18 000 – non-breaking space between digits over four digits. But 1500 pages.
6,67 – comma is used as a decimal separator.
№ 11 – number sign is always separated with space.
6,67 – comma is used as a decimal separator.
№ 11 – number sign is always separated with space.
Phone Numbers
+7 915 627-62-11 — two last groups of digits separated with a dash. Dashes can be replaced with non-breaking spaces as well.
Monetary amounts
50 ₽, 50,00 ₽
Also, possible 10 руб. or 200 р.
For decimals 1000,99 ₽ or 1000 руб. 99 коп.
Also, possible 10 руб. or 200 р.
For decimals 1000,99 ₽ or 1000 руб. 99 коп.
- By default, unites are separated with a non-breaking space.
- By default, the degree is not separated by space. In case of temperature, space is only needed between the digit and degree sign.
- The exception is the degree as a unit of angle with minutes and second: 75°26‘40“
- Dot is not used for unit shortenings. Exceptions are мм рт. ст. — миллиметр ртутного столба, а. е. м. — атомная единица массы.
30 % increase in sales.
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
12 кг, 423,06 м
We bought 12° beer.
The angle is 35°.
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
12 кг, 423,06 м
We bought 12° beer.
The angle is 35°.
Dates and time
- Russia uses format.
- Dots used as a separator.
- For birth and death range used M dash with spaces around.
2021 г. — for shortening year (год).
18 августа 2021 (in text),
Гоголь (1819 — 1898).
2021 г. — for shortening year (год).
18 августа 2021 (in text),
Гоголь (1819 — 1898).
- Colon is used for time separator.
- In sports seconds separated by comma.
Michail finished first with time 10:59,23.
Michail finished first with time 10:59,23.
Speech break
- Separated by regular space
- Placed in the beginning of the sentence.
- Punctuation is placed before the dash separated by a space.
— Дождь пойдёт, — возразил Калиныч, — утки вон плещутся, да и трава больно сильно пахнет (Тургенев).
Introduction of direct speech
- Placed in the beginning of the sentence.
- Separated from the first word with a space.
— Это моя Феодулия Ивановна! — сказал Собакевич. (Гоголь)
- A hyphen (or other graphic symbol) can be used as a bullet in the list.
- Separated by the first word with a space.
- вода
- сок
- сода
- кола
- сок
- сода
- кола
With meaning of range (from – to)
- Recommended to use mdash.
- Used without spaces around.
- If the line breaks it is better to change dash to a word.
Ресторан открыт 10:00—20:00
Ресторан открыт с 10:00 до 20:00 часов
Поезд Москва — Владивосток
Поезд из Москвы во Владивосток.
Рукописи XI — XIV вв.
25 декабря — 26 декабря 2020 (but) 25—26 декабря 2020
Трасса Прага — Берлин.
Ресторан открыт с 10:00 до 20:00 часов
Поезд Москва — Владивосток
Поезд из Москвы во Владивосток.
Рукописи XI — XIV вв.
25 декабря — 26 декабря 2020 (but) 25—26 декабря 2020
Трасса Прага — Берлин.
- Used without spaces.
- In Russian if the expression is divided in the place of the hyphen, the sign is repeated on the next line.
- Also, particles are separated with a dash.
во-первых, по-русски, кто-либо, где-то, бизнес-ланч, интернет-кафе.
Образование и трудоустрой-
ство в Японии.
Образование и трудоустрой-
ство в Японии.
- Usually used without spaces.
Скорость 90 км/ч
3/4 кг
Страница 1/8 (but Страница 1 из 8)
3/4 кг
Страница 1/8 (but Страница 1 из 8)
Trademarks and Copyright
- Copyright © placed with a space before the name of the owner.
- Registered ® placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
- TradeMark™ placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
© Company name, 2021
František (* 1930 † 2010) čekal na vlak „Pendolino“ přezdívaný »Pendo«.
Vlak přijel 24. 02. 2007 v 10:50. Jízdenka stála 12 300,90 Kč.
Ale v restauraci byla dobrá nabídka: šunka / sýr / čaj / pivo 12°.
Otevírací doba byla 10:00 až 20:00 hodin.
Quotation marks
- Czech language uses „ “ quotation marks
- Also, possible to use single quotation marks ‚ ‘
- In minor cases reversed French quotation marks » « are allowed
- The " is a used for inches or seconds. Also in computer code.
„Direct speech surrounded by ‚quotations‘.“
„The dot stays inside quotation marks then the whole sentence is surrounded by them.“ If there is only one word in quotation marks, the punctuation is outside the „symbol“.
„The dot stays inside quotation marks then the whole sentence is surrounded by them.“ If there is only one word in quotation marks, the punctuation is outside the „symbol“.
- Apostrophe ’ in Czech is used for softer consonants.
- In foreign words
lod’, to jsem se lek’.
can’t, O’Reilly, Geh’ mit mir
can’t, O’Reilly, Geh’ mit mir
§ 56 – with a space between symbol and number.
podle § 46 odst. 1 písm. c) zák. č. 65/65 Sb.
podle § 46 odst. 1 písm. c) zák. č. 65/65 Sb.
18 000 – non-breaking space between digits. Also allowed to use the dot.
6,67 – comma is used as a decimal separator.
6,67 – comma is used as a decimal separator.
Phone Numbers
+420 558 225 225 - writing with three digits and separating with spaces.
Monetary amounts
50 Kč Kč 50,00 10 000 € 130 Sk czk 60
- Mdash — represents two zeros.
- Not a good tone to write 50,— Kč or Kč 50,—; much better: 50,00 Kč, the best 50 Kč
- By default, unites are separated with a non-breaking space.
- For degree sign, in the meaning of an adjective, space not needed.
- The exception is the degree as a unit of angle with minutes and second: 75°26‘40“
30 % increase in sales.
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
12 kg
We bought 12° beer (in CZ it will be dvanáctistupňové).
The angle is 35 °.
Outside is -9 °C. Inside is +9 °C.
12 kg
We bought 12° beer (in CZ it will be dvanáctistupňové).
The angle is 35 °.
Dates and time
- Czech uses dd. mm. yyyy format.
- Spaces used as a separator. Thin space also can be used.
- For birth and death range also can be used * † separated with thin spaces.
18. 08. 2021.
18. serpnu 2021 (in text),
František Muzika (* 1930 † 2010). Also allowed (1930—2010).
18. serpnu 2021 (in text),
František Muzika (* 1930 † 2010). Also allowed (1930—2010).
- Colon is used for time separator. But dot also allowed.
- In sports seconds separated by comma.
18:20 or 18.20
Martin finished first with time 10:59,23.
Martin finished first with time 10:59,23.
Speech break
- Separated by regular space.
- Never placed in the beginning of the sentence (yes, at the end)!
- Punctuation is placed immediately after the dash without a space.
Být single – ale jak?
„Pozor – – –!“
„Pozor – – –!“
Introduction of direct speech
- Placed in the beginning of the sentence.
- Separated from the first word with a space.
Maminka křičela:
— Eliško domů!
— Eliško domů!
- a hyphen (or other graphic symbol) can be used as a bullet in the list.
- Separated by the first word with a space.
- pivo
- voda
- džus
- soda
- voda
- džus
- soda
With meaning of range (from – to)
- Recommended to use mdash.
- Used without spaces.
- If the line breaks it is better to change dash to a word.
Otevírací doba byla 10:00—20:00 hodin
Otevírací doba byla 10:00 až 20:00 hodin
Na zápas Česko—Maďarsko...
Na zápas Česko v Maďarsko...
12. září—15. října 2000 (but) 12.—13. září 2006
Trasa Praha—Berlín.
Otevírací doba byla 10:00 až 20:00 hodin
Na zápas Česko—Maďarsko...
Na zápas Česko v Maďarsko...
12. září—15. října 2000 (but) 12.—13. září 2006
Trasa Praha—Berlín.
- Used without spaces.
- In Czech if the expression is divided in the place of the hyphen, the sign is repeated on the next line.
- Shorter than dash.
mám-li, Brno-město, Ostrava-Poruba, slovník česko-anglický, Anežka Hodinová-Spurná
ISBN 3-8252-2197-0, on-line, e-mail
-li vám totiž vaditi, že můj libosad jest pod vodou.“
ISBN 3-8252-2197-0, on-line, e-mail
-li vám totiž vaditi, že můj libosad jest pod vodou.“
- Usually used without spaces.
- If it's a listing spaces around needed.
Speed 90 km/h.
3/4 kg
Financial report from 2010/2011
Nabídka: šunka / sýr / čaj / pivo 12°
Page 1 / 8 (but also possible Page 1/8)
3/4 kg
Financial report from 2010/2011
Nabídka: šunka / sýr / čaj / pivo 12°
Page 1 / 8 (but also possible Page 1/8)
Trademarks and Copyright
- Copyright © placed with a space before the name of the owner.
- Registered ® placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
- TradeMark™ placed after the name of the company or logo without space.
© Company name, 2021
When writing in English we should follow English typography rules. All sentences written in English here only for example purposes. Rules based on standard ČSN 01 6910 from 2014.
Frank O’Malley (1930–2010) wartete auf den »München-Nürnberg-Express« oder „Fresh“. Der Zug kam am 24. 02. 2007 um 7:50 Uhr. Das Ticket war teuer 12.300,99 €. Das Restaurant ist von 8 bis 20 Uhr geöffnet.
Frank O’Malley (1930–2010) wartete auf den «München-Nürnberg-Express» oder „Fresh“. Der Zug kam am 24. 02. 2007 um 7.50 Uhr. Das Ticket war teuer Fr. 12'300.99. Das Restaurant ist von 8 bis 20 Uhr geöffnet.